Friday, April 29, 2011


Since it seems to occur only once approximately every 30 years I thought it was most appropriate to take the day off to watch the royal wedding. While I enjoyed the pageantry and the fairy tale of a young woman turning into a princess it was, of course, a good excuse to have tea! While my cousin, Rachel, and I did not wear hats today, she did bring, Roan, her handsome little prince.

I was excited to use my royal tea set for the first time. The tea set is white with different silver metallic crowns on each dish. We enjoyed "Buckingham Palace Garden Party Tea," crown cucumber sandwiches, gouda and crackers, roasted red pepper soup, fresh fruit, cherry white chocolate scones with vanilla bean devonshire cream, lemon curd and strawberry preserves and chocolate macadamia nut shortbread cookies.

The table is set for the royal-tea

Roan's first tea party

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Springtime in Paris?

While Emma and I celebrated springtime in Paris, it was actually a rather dreary snowy day in Minnesota. The Mad Hatter served a special French menu with nicoise salad, croissants, brie, quiche, scones and crème brûlée tea. It was fun to see others dressed in Coco Chanel inspired attire - pearls, scarfs, and horizontal stripes. Dessert was served a block away at the French Flea. French macaroons in a variety of flavors were served with raspberry champagne.
Emma and I about to enjoy the first course - scones with devonshire cream and lemon curd.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Tea at the Avalon

Andrea hosted April tea at the Avalon in downtown White Bear Lake. While Kimmy was enjoying the last snow of the season on the slopes we were able to meet Anne, Andrea's friend from college. Knowing that Anne has a tea cup collection she will have to join us again.

The dishes were elegantly spring with multi-color flowers and varied cup shapes. The food was exceptional - all four courses! Quiche; four varieties of tea sandwiches; cream and cherry scones with devonshire, lemon curd and preserves; cake, shortbread cookies and two more desserts - yum! I think this was the first tea party where we all needed to go boxes.