Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Em's Fall Birthday Tea Trip

In honor of Emma's 29th (wink, wink) birthday, and after much research, I found a brand new tea room in Red Wing, MN! With the sun shining we set out in her brand new pearly white SUV. It was a lovely day for a drive through the river valley with the leaves just beginning to turn. I can't think of a better excuse to take the day off of work! Wisteria Twig Tea Room and Cafe has only been open for two weeks. The tea room is in the Pottery Place building (2000 Old West Main) former home of Red Wing Pottery.

The tea room overlooks the boiler/kiln? I liked the contrast of the warehouse/industrial building with exposed brick and beams for a high tea. The building also houses the Red Wing pottery museum and many shops. Mmm, scones!

The food was homemade and a really nice black tea, Yorkshire Gold, was served. It always makes us happy when a nice big pot of tea is left on the table - this was the first time we didn't run out of tea! Many traditional high tea foods were served, including cucumber sandwiches and scones with Devonshire and lemon curd. In addition, the proprietress, Rita, also served fresh asparagus cream sandwiches which were a fun twist.

As Emma was opening her birthday presents, I mentioned that my mom and I found some of her presents in Fort Frances, Ontario. The couple next to us shared that they live in the Fort - small world! We chatted a bit and I mentioned that my maiden name was McHarg and they had known my great aunt Ruth! We figured if we kept talking we would end up related!
Here's Emma with one of her presents from Fort Floral - she loves hedgehogs. In fact, we stopped at a nursery on the way home to pick out a succulent for her new planter. The desserts were yummy - lemon bars, chocolate mousse, caramel apple bars and strawberry phyllo tarts. I love the bubble glass dishes.

Happy Birthday Emma! Hope you had a great day!
I'm glad I was able to spend time and celebrate with you with one of our favorite things - tea!

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Queen Invites You to Tea

By order of her Majesty, the Queen of Hearts, you are hereby summoned to a most unusual tea party, Sunday, Sept. 11, 2011, 1:00 p.m. Wear foolish attire for all to admire.
Enter the maddest party in the Queen's Royal Croquet Court
The table was set for our biggest party yet

Even the card men came to tea
I must admit, I was proud of my flower arrangement ;)

"There was a table set out under a tree in front of a house,
and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at it:
a Doormouse was sitting between them fast asleep . . ."

"Which way? Which way?"

Emma's mom made me the cutest apron!

Bandersnatch Eyeballs
Alice’s Cuppa Salad
Cook’s Potato Soup
White King’s Cookies
Red Queen’s Strawberry Heart Scones
with Orange Curd and Cream

March Hare’s Orange Tea Punch
A Mad Variety of Tea
Mad Hatter’s Tea Cups with Pumpkin Mousse
Dancing Snails

Cheshire Cupcakes

 Royal Court Cucumber Sandwiches
Caterpillar’s Magic Mushrooms
Royal Court Cucumber Sandwiches
White Rabbit’s Pocket Watch Crackers & Cheese

 The Hatter says time "won't do a thing I ask!
It's always six o'clock now";
that is, it is always tea-time.
The girls!

Mrs. Spahl as the White Rabbit
and Emma as the Knave of Hearts

Wonderland parting gifts for the girls...