Monday, January 27, 2014

Queen of Hearts tea

Emma hosted a Queen of Hearts tea and birthday celebration in my honor on Sunday. 

The first course was homemade macaroni and cheese served in a red pepper - with a little jalapeno kick it was Queen of Hearts approved! Each place setting was decorated with a little crown for our hair - so cute!
Kim, Emma & I

Andrea & Jackie
(Not pictured poor Tiff who came down with the flu :( boo hoo - we missed you!)

 Emma made her mascarpone cheese cucumber sandwiches, linzer cookies, scones & Sue's Devonshire cream, Australian cheddar and, of course, Gouda cheese served with two cracker choices. The chocolate cake was decadent and adorable!
 Tea partay girls in action! 

Emma also served fruit bowls with lychee and raspberries.
The cake was so cute. Chocolate and tea two of my favorites! Super cute little hair comb crowns!

I have the best friends ever! What a fun tea partay! Thanks ladies for making me queen for a day and spoiling me rotten with your love and friendship (hugs!)